The Wildflowers - Tom Petty Tribute


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The Wildflowers - Tom Petty Tribute | Fredericton Playhouse


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Description @en

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The international touring band The Wildflowers are North America’s #1 Tribute to Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.   “Who doesn’t love Tom Petty?” bassist Darryell Stone asked himself one day in 2012 while listening to the radio. There was only one answer he could imagine, “Nobody.” Testing his hypothesis, Stone polled friends, family and fellow musicians how they felt about Petty. The result was always the same. Everyone loves Tom Petty.  One of these fellow musicians just happened to be Tom Petty’s doppelganger, guitarist and lead vocalist Jonathan Guthrie. Guthrie was an avid fan and had always fantasized about being a Heartbreaker. As two seasoned musicians and Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers fans, there was really only one thing for them to do – form a Tom Petty tribute band.  It wasn’t hard for Stone and Guthrie to find skilled musicians excited about playing in a Tom Petty tribute band. Drummer Steve Lucas, formerly of Feverdog and a bandmate of Stone’s local band, Theatrix, quickly signed on. Lucas brought with him his M-80’s band mate Glenn Freeman. Freeman, who boasts of seeing multiple Tom Petty concerts in the 80s, brought an instrumental cornucopia to the group with keyboards, harmonica, guitar and backing vocals. Lead guitarist Curt Granger rounded out the lineup. With 30+ years experience in Birmingham’s local music scene, Granger has played in such circuit bands as Pyrate, Scream Sophie, and his own solo project, as well as creating a line of world-renowned boutique guitar amplifiers.  The new Tom Petty tribute band rehearsed with one focus – to recreate the music of Tom Petty with precision, attention to detail, and a reverent respect. Parts were studied in great detail, down to inflections in the very way each word of every lyric was sung.  Performing locally in the first year, it didn’t take long for the band to be noticed. Word spread quickly, which led to more shows outside the band’s home state, which led to more word of mouth and exposure. Soon the band was gaining interest from venues across the southeast, which led to more travel and more Tom Petty fans discovering them.  Jump ahead 100 shows and The Wildflowers have become one of the most popular tribute shows across the southeast US, and quickly gaining recognition in other regions.  Equipped with decades of experience and a passion for Tom Petty’s magic way with songs, The Wildflowers bring music lovers of all stripes what they adore. More Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.    

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The Wildflowers est l’hommage n°1 à Tom Pettey & The Heartbreakers en Amérique du Nord.   « Qui n’aime pas Tom Petty? » s’est demandé le bassiste Darryell Stone un jour de 2012 en écoutant la radio. Il n’y avait qu’une seule réponse qu’il pouvait imaginer : « Personne. » Vérifiant son hypothèse, Stone a sondé ses amis, sa famille et ses collègues musiciens pour savoir ce qu’ils pensaient de Petty. Le résultat était toujours le même. Tout le monde aime Tom Petty.   L’un de ces collègues musiciens se trouve être le sosie de Tom Petty, le guitariste et chanteur Jonathan Guthrie. Guthrie était un grand fan et avait toujours rêvé d’être un Heartbreaker. En tant que deux musiciens chevronnés et fans de Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, il n’y avait qu’une seule chose à faire pour eux : former un groupe hommage à Tom Petty.   Une centaine de concerts plus tard, The Wildflowers est devenu l’un des groupes hommage les plus populaires aux États-Unis, et il est rapidement reconnu dans d’autres régions. The Wildflowers apportent aux mélomanes de tous bords ce qu’ils adorent. Plus de Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.        


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The Wildflowers - Tom Petty Tribute

Title @fr

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The Wildflowers - Tom Petty Tribute

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