Tom Green Live In Fredericton


AggregateOffer note @en

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Plus taxes

AggregateOffer note @fr

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Plus les taxes

AggregateOffer type

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AggregateOffer URL

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Attendance mode

Do people attend your event in-person or online or mixed with a bit of both?

Audience @en

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Adults , Age Restricted , Content Advisory

Audience @fr

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Adultes , Restriction d’âge , Avis de Contenu


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Tom Green Live In Fredericton | Fredericton Playhouse


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Contact email

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Contact name @en

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Contact name @fr

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Contact telephone

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Contact website

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Please verify calendar dates and times.

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

11 Nov 2024

12 Nov 2024

  • 6:00 PM

13 Nov 2024

14 Nov 2024

15 Nov 2024

16 Nov 2024

17 Nov 2024

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Tom Green exploded on MTV with the groundbreaking comedy show “The Tom Green Show.” Before reality TV, YouTube and social media existed, Tom Green’s man-on-the-street pranks changed television forever. He’s graced the cover of Rolling Stone, hosted Saturday Night Live, guest hosted Letterman, and appeared on Oprah, Jay Leno, Kimmel, Fallon, Conan, The Daily Show and more! The success of the Tom Green Show has landed him roles in mainstream Hollywood movies like Road Trip, Freddy Got Fingered, Stealing Harvard, Charlie's Angels and more! Now Tom Green’s sold out Stand Up Comedy Tour is getting 5 star reviews worldwide. Don’t miss the insanely hilarious stand up comedy of Tom Green when he comes to your city. His brilliantly cracked view of the world around him makes for non-stop laughter every time.  **Must be 19+. Please be advised this performance contains occasional use of strong language and has mature themes.

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Tom Green fait une entrée fracassante sur MTV avec l’émission humoristique révolutionnaire « The Tom Green Show ». Avant les téléréalités, YouTube et les médias sociaux, les gags de rue de Tom Green ont changé la télévision à tout jamais. Il a fait la couverture de Rolling Stone, animé Saturday Night Live, a été l’animateur invité de Letterman et a été reçu sur le plateau de Oprah, Jay Leno, Kimmel, Fallon, Conan, The Daily Show et d’autres encore! Le succès remporté par le Tom Green Show l’a mené à jouer des rôles dans des grands films hollywoodiens tels que Road Trip, Freddy Got Fingered, Stealing Harvard, Charlie's Angels et plus! Aujourd’hui, la tournée d’humour de Tom Green présentée à guichets fermés récolte des avis 5 étoiles partout sur la planète. Ne ratez pas l’occasion de vivre l’humour drôle à s’en tordre de rire de Tom Green quand il sera de passage chez-vous. Son regard brillamment tordu sur le monde qui l’entoure engendre à chaque fois des rires qui n’en finissent plus.   **Doit avoir 19 ans et plus. Veuillez noter que ce spectacle contient de temps à autre un langage explicite et contient des thèmes ou des sujets pour adultes.


How long is the event?

Note: Add a DIV with class 'duration' anywhere to your page.

End Date

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Event status

Is your event scheduled, cancelled, postponed without a date, or rescheduled with a new date?

Event Status EventScheduled

Event type

Additional types from the Artsdata controlled vocabulary

Facebook link

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Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place Fredericton Playhouse

Official Webpage

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Organized by

Who is responsible for selling tickets?

Note: Usually the presenter or promoter.

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?


What main image are you using to promote the performance?


Is this the lowest price for the general public (not members only) including sales taxes and service fees?


Price description @en

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Price description @fr

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Reviewer note

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Sponsor: No selected source for this property to display. Edit source id 8279 and set 'selected' to true.

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Tom Green Live In Fredericton

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Tom Green Live In Fredericton

Video Link

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Virtual Location

URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.


URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

VirtualLocation name @en

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VirtualLocation name @fr

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Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

Is this the right ticket buying page?

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URI List for footlight:theplayhouse-ca_schedule-and-tickets-en last updated Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:16:57 -0400
URI List for footlight:theplayhouse-ca_schedule-and-tickets-fr last updated Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:16:56 -0400