A Kenny & Dolly Tribute


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A Kenny & Dolly Tribute | Fredericton Playhouse


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Description @en

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The Original "TOGETHER AGAIN" Show  An incredible tribute to country music's favourite couple ...  Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton  Starring Marty Edwards and Wendy T  Kenny & Dolly Together Again starring Wendy T and Marty Edwards, “Kinda Kenny”, recreates the magic of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers, as these two seasoned professionals deliver the incredible songs and the onstage playfulness of Kenny & Dolly's Real Love tour.  Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers are legends in the entertainment world with singing and acting careers that have spanned over five decades!   In 1983 Kenny and Dolly toured together performing their show Real Love also known as Together. With a long list of individual hits plus their exciting duets, including their #1 duet Islands in The Stream, the show was amazing and a huge success!  This tribute act has it all... the songs, the mannerisms, the vocals, the professionalism and of course, the charm, magic and on-stage playfulness of Kenny & Dolly Together Again.   Marty Edwards started his musical career in the early 70's as a lead vocalist and guitarist for a country band and performed many popular Kenny Rogers songs of the time, but never consciously tried to imitate Kenny until a producer observed his uncanny resemblance to Kenny Rogers and the similarity in his vocals. Not until 1998 when he produced his first annual benefit concert did Marty try the Kenny Rogers tribute act. It went over so well he was asked to repeat the performance at other venues.  Marty has met Kenny Rogers twice since starting the tribute. Kenny told Marty,"Now don't go getting me into any trouble!"  Marty's tribute to Kenny Rogers has taken him world-wide with performances throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, England, Asia, Ireland and Australia and he has been seen on Jay Leno, Oprah, and CNN.  Wendy T is a versatile professional performer having appeared on stage in several roles that have featured her incredible vocal talents. Wendy starred in the title role of the musical "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" and performed as a country singer on the Nashville Network in one of her dozens of TV appearances.  "Portraying a legend such as Dolly is a tough job," says Wendy, "Because of the distinctive style of the multi-award winning performer." Wendy handles this challenge with the same ease as the real Country superstar, and she has become a favourite at all Legends venues.  *Please be advised this performance contains mature themes or subject. Recommended for ages 12+

Description @fr

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Le spectacle original « TOGETHER AGAIN » Un hommage incroyable au couple préféré de la musique country… Kenny Rogers et Dolly Parton Mettant en vedette Marty Edwards et Wendy T Kenny & Dolly Together Again mettant en vedette Wendy T et Marty Edwards, « Kinda Kenny », recrée la magie de Dolly Parton et Kenny Rogers, alors que ces deux professionnels d’expériences incarnent les chansons incroyables et la présence scénique enjouée de la tournée Kenny & Dolly’s Real Love tour. Dolly Parton et Kenny Rogers sont des légendes du monde de l’Entertainment avec des carrières de chanteurs et d’acteurs qui s’étendent sur plus de cinquante ans! En 1983 Kenny et Dolly ont réalisé ensemble leur tournée Real Love, aussi connue sous le nom de Together. Avec une longue liste de succès solos en plus de leurs duos excitants, incluant leur duo #1 Islands in The Stream, le spectacle fut magnifique et connus un succès énorme! On retrouve tout cela dans ce spectacle hommage… les chansons, les manières, les voix, le professionnalisme et, bien sûr, le charme, la magie et la présence scénique enjouée de Kenny & Dolly Together Again. *Veuillez noter que ce spectacle contient des thèmes ou des sujets pour adultes. Recommandé pour les 12 ans et plus


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Title @en

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A Kenny & Dolly Tribute

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A Kenny & Dolly Tribute

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