Élage Diouf


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Audience @en

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Tout le monde


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Élage Diouf | Fredericton Playhouse


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3 Nov 2024

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

JUNO award winning percussionist and composer Élage Diouf sits at the crossroads of pop, world, blues, folk, and asiko (West African rhythms). His trademark sound is upbeat and festive, perfectly complimenting his hopeful and adventurous lyrics, often sung in his mother tongue, Wolof. Élage’s performances are electrifying, blending elements of African folk, reggae, jazz, and blues into a mesmerizing tapestry of sound. A humanist first and foremost, Élage does not hesitate to draw from his personal life to pay tribute to mutual respect. He admires the resilience of human beings and the courage of those who overcome their fears. In an intimate concert, he will take you on a journey through his world, which skillfully merges the rhythms of his native Senegal with musical influences from all over the world. Those who know Élage will be happy to rediscover his talent and his joie de vivre and for those who don't know him yet, prepare yourself for a musical encounter that will fill your ears and your heart with great happiness. Élage moved to Canada in 1996 to pursue a career in music. He first became known for his countless collaborations, notably with André “Dédé” Fortin and his group, the Colocs. As co-writer for the song “Tassez-vous de d'là”, Élage Diouf won the SOCAN Echo Prize. His many other collaborations led him to participate, as a featured artist, in the world tour of the show Delirium by Cirque du Soleil, where he participated in more than 200 performances in the largest cities in the world and acquired stage experience that turned him into a worldclass performer. For several years he has also toured with internationally renowned artist Johnny Reid as a guest artist.   “Pay What You Will” is offered on select performances. Here’s how it works: – You still need a ticket. Book your seats in advance at tickets.theplayhouse.ca, by calling our box office at 458-8344, or visiting us at 686 Queen Street. – At the performance, we will provide an envelope and ask audience members to pay whatever amount they wish (based on their own individual experience) following the performance. You decide the price of your tickets! The objective of “Pay What You Will” is to increase access to our programs, and to encourage our patrons to take a chance on new and exciting performances.

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Le percussionniste et compositeur gagnant d’un prix JUNO, Élage Diouf, se situe à la croisée de la pop, de la musique du monde, du blues, du folk et de l’asiko (un tambour d’Afrique de l’Ouest). Sa musique particulière est animée et festive, le complément parfait de ses textes audacieux et pleins d’espoir qui sont souvent interprétés dans sa langue maternelle, le Wolof. Les performances d’Élage sont électrisantes, alliant des éléments de folk africain, de reggae, de jazz et de blues en une tapisserie sonore fascinante. Humaniste d’abord et avant tout, Élage n’hésite pas à puiser dans sa vie personnelle pour rendre hommage au respect mutuel. Il admire la résilience des êtres humains et le courage de ceux qui surmontent leurs peurs. Dans son concert intime, il vous fera voyager dans son univers qui fusionne habilement les rythmes de son Sénégal natal et des influences musicales de tous horizons. Ceux qui connaissent Élage seront heureux de retrouver son talent et sa joie de vivre. Quant à ceux qui ne le connaissent pas encore, qu’ils se préparent à une rencontre musicale qui emplira leurs oreilles et leur cœur d’un grand bonheur. Élage s’installe au Canada en 1996 pour poursuivre une carrière musicale. Il s’est d’abord fait connaître pour ses innombrables collaborations, notamment avec André « Dédé » Fortin et son groupe, les Colocs. En tant que coauteur pour la chanson Tassez-vous de d’là, Élage Diouf remportera le prix Echo de la SOCAN. Ses nombreuses autres collaborations l’amènent à participer, à titre d’artiste-vedette, à la tournée mondiale du spectacle Delirium du Cirque du Soleil, où il participe à plus de 200 représentations dans les plus grandes villes du monde et acquiert une expérience scénique incomparable. Pendant plusieurs années, il a également tourné avec l’artiste de renommée internationale Johnny Reid en tant qu’artiste invité.   La formule “Vous décidez du prix” est offerte pour des spectacles sélectionnés. Voici comment ça marche : – Vous aurez quand même besoin d’un billet. Réservez votre siège à l’avance à tickets.theplayhouse.ca, en appelant notre billetterie au 458-8344,  ou en vous présentant au 686, rue Queen. – Une fois au spectacle, vous recevrez une enveloppe et on vous demandera de payer ce que vous souhaitez (selon votre appréciation personnelle) après le spectacle. Vous décidez du prix de vos billets! L’objectif de la formule « Vous décidez du prix » c’est d’accroître l’accès à nos programmes, et d’encourager notre public à assister à de nouveaux spectacles passionnants.


How long is the event?

Note: Add a DIV with class 'duration' anywhere to your page.

End Date

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Event status

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Event Status EventScheduled

Event type

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Facebook link

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Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place Fredericton Playhouse

Official Webpage

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Organized by

Who is responsible for selling tickets?

Note: Usually the presenter or promoter.

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?

Org/Person Élage Diouf


What main image are you using to promote the performance?


Is this the lowest price for the general public (not members only) including sales taxes and service fees?


Price description @en

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Price description @fr

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Reviewer note

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Sponsor: No selected source for this property to display. Edit source id 8279 and set 'selected' to true.

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Élage Diouf

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Élage Diouf

Video Link

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Virtual Location

URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.


URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

VirtualLocation name @en

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VirtualLocation name @fr

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Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

Is this the right ticket buying page?

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URI List for footlight:theplayhouse-ca_schedule-and-tickets-en last updated Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:17:01 -0400
URI List for footlight:theplayhouse-ca_schedule-and-tickets-fr last updated Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:17:02 -0400