The Hunchback of Notre-Dame


Attendance mode

Do people attend your event in-person or online or mixed with a bit of both?


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Please verify calendar dates and times.

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

30 Sep 2024

1 Oct 2024

2 Oct 2024

3 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

4 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

5 Oct 2024

  • 2:30 PM
  • 7:30 PM

6 Oct 2024

  • 2:30 PM

7 Oct 2024

8 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

9 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

10 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

11 Oct 2024

  • 7:30 PM

12 Oct 2024

  • 2:30 PM
  • 7:30 PM

13 Oct 2024

  • 2:30 PM

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

From the well-known literary genius of Les Misérables, 9th Hour is pleased to present Victor Hugo's iconic masterpiece The Hunchback of Notre Dame with a contemporary twist and unique theatrical style that highlights the story's ongoing relevance for today.

Depicting the "Festival of Fools" and "Court of Miracles" on stage with wicked hilarity and mocking absurdity, this familiar tale contrasts monstrosity with beauty, condemnation with compassion, and cruelty with love.

Timeless and entertaining, this show for all ages challenges us to see and overcome what’s truly ugly in the world and embrace what's truly beautiful.

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

La compagnie de théâtre 9th Hour est ravie de vous présenter Le Bossu de Notre-Dame, l’un des plus grands chefs-d’œuvre de Victor Hugo, remarquable auteur du célèbre roman Les Misérables. Elle a ajouté à l’œuvre une touche contemporaine et un style unique qui souligne la pertinence de l’histoire encore aujourd’hui.

Décrivant sur scène la Fête des fous et la Cour des Miracles avec une hilarité malicieuse et une absurdité narquoise, ce conte bien connu met en opposition la monstruosité et la beauté, la condamnation et la compassion, la cruauté et l’amour.

Intemporelle et divertissante, cette pièce pour tous les âges nous invite à prendre conscience de la réelle laideur dans le monde, à la combattre et à saisir la vraie beauté.


How long is the event?

Note: Add a DIV with class 'duration' anywhere to your page.

End Date

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Event status

Is your event scheduled, cancelled, postponed without a date, or rescheduled with a new date?

Event Status EventScheduled

Event type

Additional types from the Artsdata controlled vocabulary


Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place ... @ Centrepointe - Les Lye Studio Theatre (K11-187)

Official Webpage

No tip for this statement: official webpage

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?


What main image are you using to promote the performance?

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame


URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

Is this the right ticket buying page?

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URI List for adr:meridiancentrepointe-com_listing last updated Fri, 20 Sep 2024 07:10:32 -0400
URI List for adr:meridiancentrepointe-com_listing last updated Fri, 20 Sep 2024 07:10:32 -0400