Derek Edwards - Oxy Moron


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1 Dec 2024

Description @en

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Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Every few millennia, a comic emerges, born from the cosmic soup of fate and time, jostled by the gales of change onto the unpredictable shores of comedic brilliance. This is a man who embodies pluck and wit, lighthearted yet encumbered, and a naivete that somehow remains endearing. Derek says that in the grand contest of life, he stands proudly as a bona fide "participant."

Well, truth be told, there’s a lot more to it than that. From Vegas to St. John's, this Just For Laughs veteran is universally considered to be among the comic elite. Certainly his peers think so, as evidenced by the fact that he's a four-time nominee, and winner of Best Standup Comic - Canadian Comedy Awards, as well as a multiple Gemini nominee for Best Performance in a Comedy.

Expect a night of perceptive guesswork and charmingly misguided jabs from a cherished performer. Enjoy some hearty laughs, a sprinkling of wisdom, and the pleasure of mingling with fellow humans. It's a triple win!

"still the funniest man in Canada" - Toronto Sun

“the epitome of timing & storytelling” - Halifax Chronicle Herald

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Tous les quelques millénaires, un humoriste émerge, né d’une soupe cosmique du destin et du temps, se frayant un chemin dans la tempête des changements jusqu’aux berges imprévisibles du talent humoristique. Cet homme incarne le courage et l’intelligence; il est enjoué, tout en ayant un bagage de sagesse, et sa naïveté le rend attachant. Comme le dit si bien Derek : Dans le plus grand concours de la vie, il se tient fièrement en tant que « participant » authentique.

À vrai dire, cet homme est beaucoup plus que ça! De Vegas à St. John’s, ce vétéran du festival Just For Laughs est considéré partout comme l’un des membres de l’élite des humoristes. Ses pairs sont assurément de cet avis, comme en témoignent ses quatre nominations comme meilleur humoriste aux Canadian Comedy Awards, titre qu’il a remporté, ainsi que ses nombreuses nominations aux prix Gemini pour la meilleure interprétation dans la catégorie humour.

Attendez-vous à une soirée de devinettes perspicaces et de charmants coups maladroits d’un humoriste chéri par tous. Vous rirez aux larmes, profiterez d’une touche de sagesse et du plaisir de socialiser avec d’autres humains. Tout le monde y gagne!

« Toujours l’homme le plus drôle du Canada » – Toronto Sun

« Le summum du débit et de l’anecdote » – Halifax Chronicle Herald


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Official Webpage

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Performed by

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Org/Person Derek Edwards (K12-1)


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Title @en

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Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Derek Edwards - Oxy Moron

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Derek Edwards - Oxy Moron


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Webpage link @en

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Webpage link @fr

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