NIEBO HOTEL - Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse et La Parenthèse


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NIEBO HOTEL - Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse et La Parenthèse | Danse Danse


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Please verify calendar dates and times.

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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17 Feb 2025

18 Feb 2025

  • Time unknown

19 Feb 2025

  • 8:00 PM

20 Feb 2025

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21 Feb 2025

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22 Feb 2025

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23 Feb 2025

24 Feb 2025

25 Feb 2025

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26 Feb 2025

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27 Feb 2025

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28 Feb 2025

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1 Mar 2025

  • 8:00 PM

2 Mar 2025

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

An immersive experience, NIEBO HOTEL takes the audience on an extraordinary journey into the heart of a hotel, a microcosm where touching scenes of life distil the poetry of the everyday. Itinerary performance.Most rooms will have seating for the public. However, you may have to stand. People with reduced mobility or issues that prevent them from standing can be accommodated. French choreographer Christophe Garcia and Ballets Jazz Montréal invite the public to experience dance in a different way through this fascinating, site-specific immersive work, in association with Le Germain Hotel Montréal. NIEBO HOTEL is designed for the intimacy of a hotel room, a place of transience, impermanent and anonymous. From room to room, a handful of spectators, sometimes complicit voyeurs, sometimes witnesses, find themselves drawn into the pulse of life at the NIEBO HOTEL. In this confined space, stories large and small are played out, fragments of existence where time stands still. Danced moments, stolen moments, fragile dreams, solos or duets that speak of inwardness, the search for love, solitude, desire, sensuality, healing tranquillity… No two people will see exactly the same show. From well off the beaten track comes this invitation to a surprising voyage to the heart of intimacy. Not to be missed!

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Expérience immersive, NIEBO HOTEL invite le public à un parcours hors du commun au cœur d’un hôtel, un microcosme où de touchantes scènes de vie distillent la poésie du quotidien. Parcours déambulatoire.La plupart des chambres auront des sièges pour le public. Il est cependant possible que vous ayez à rester debout. Les personnes à mobilité réduite ou ayant des enjeux ne leur permettant pas de rester debout pourront être accommodées. Le chorégraphe français Christophe Garcia et Ballets Jazz Montréal convient le public à vivre la danse autrement dans une passionnante immersion in situ, en collaboration avec l’Hôtel Le Germain Montréal. NIEBO HOTEL est conçu pour l’intimité d’une chambre d’hôtel, un lieu de passage, éphémère, anonyme. De chambre en chambre, une poignée de spectateurs et spectatrices, tantôt voyeurs complices, tantôt témoins, se trouvent plongé·e·s dans la vie qui bat au NIEBO HOTEL. Dans ce huis clos se jouent de petites et grandes histoires, des fragments d’existence où le temps s’immobilise. Instants dansés, moments volés, rêves fragiles, solos ou duos évoquant l’intériorité, la quête d’amour, la solitude, le désir, la sensualité, le repos salvateur… Personne ne verra exactement le même spectacle. Loin des sentiers battus, une invitation à un voyage surprenant au cœur de l’intimité. Un événement à ne pas manquer !


How long is the event?

Note: Add a DIV with class 'duration' anywhere to your page.

End Date

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Event type

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Facebook link

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Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place Hôtel Le Germain (K5-650)

Official Webpage

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Organized by

Who is responsible for selling tickets?

Note: Usually the presenter or promoter.

Org/Person Danse Danse (K10-43)

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?


What main image are you using to promote the performance?


Is this the lowest price for the general public (not members only) including sales taxes and service fees?


Price description @en

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Starting price

Price description @fr

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Prix plancher

Reviewer note

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18 fév, 1 mar 2025
1 mar 2025

Sponsor: No selected source for this property to display. Edit source id 7228 and set 'selected' to true.

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

NIEBO HOTEL - Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse et La Parenthèse

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

NIEBO HOTEL - Ballets Jazz Montréal, CAPAS, Danse Danse et La Parenthèse

Video Link

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URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

VirtualLocation name @en

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VirtualLocation name @fr

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Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

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URI List for adr:dansedanse-ca_events-index-en last updated Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:13:06 -0500