Compagnie de la Citadelle - Nuit - Jean-Pierre Perreault


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Compagnie de la Citadelle - Nuit - Jean-Pierre Perreault | Danse Danse


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Please verify calendar dates and times.

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

17 Mar 2025

18 Mar 2025

19 Mar 2025

  • 8:00 PM

20 Mar 2025

  • 8:00 PM

21 Mar 2025

  • 8:00 PM

22 Mar 2025

  • 8:00 PM

23 Mar 2025

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Created two years after his famous Joe, Nuit is one of Jean-Pierre Perreault’s landmark works. Admirably danced by an outstanding cast, this impetuous piece opens a window on the choreographer’s immense legacy. The late choreographer Jean-Pierre Perreault (1947–2002) said, “Human beings are sensitive to two things: other people, and the space they occupy and that contains them.” The same impulse inspired Perreault to create the design, choreography, lighting and sound of all his works himself. His pictorial explorations led him to imagine large-scale “dance spaces”. In the half-light, eight “Perreauesque” figures pound the floor to the point of intoxication, to the point of exhaustion. Struggling with the vagaries of everyday life, they dance their loneliness, confrontation and fragility. Various tensions arise between materials, masses, volumes and configurations. Remounted in its original form on the initiative of Laurence Lemieux (who danced it in 2002) and her Compagnie de la Citadelle, Nuit conveys a vulnerability that is as disturbing as it is subterranean. A rare work of overwhelming beauty.

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Créée deux ans après son fameux Joe, Nuit est l’une des œuvres phares de Jean-Pierre Perreault. Admirablement dansée par une distribution hors pair, cette œuvre impétueuse ouvre une fenêtre sur l’immense legs du chorégraphe. « L’être humain est sensible à deux choses : aux autres ainsi qu’à l’espace qu’il habite et qui le contient », affirmait le regretté chorégraphe Jean-Pierre Perreault (1947-2002), qui se plaisait, d’une même impulsion, à scénographier, chorégraphier, éclairer et sonoriser lui-même ses créations. Ses explorations picturales lui permettaient d’imaginer des « lieux à danser » imposants. Dans la pénombre, huit personnages perreauesques martèlent le sol jusqu’à l’ivresse, jusqu’à l’épuisement. Aux prises avec les aléas du quotidien, ils dansent la solitude, la confrontation, la fragilité. Différentes tensions s’installent entre les matériaux, les masses, les volumes, les configurations. Recréée dans sa forme originelle, à l’initiative de Laurence Lemieux — qui l’a dansée en 2002 — et de sa Compagnie de la Citadelle, Nuit exprime une vulnérabilité aussi troublante que souterraine. Une œuvre rare, d’une bouleversante beauté.


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Facebook link

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Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place Place des Arts - Théâtre Maisonneuve (K11-11)
Place Place des Arts (K4-42) undo

Official Webpage

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Organized by

Who is responsible for selling tickets?

Note: Usually the presenter or promoter.

Org/Person Danse Danse (K10-43)

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?


What main image are you using to promote the performance?


Is this the lowest price for the general public (not members only) including sales taxes and service fees?


Price description @en

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Starting price

Price description @fr

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Prix plancher

Reviewer note

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19 mar, 22 mar 2025
22 mar 2025

Sponsor: No selected source for this property to display. Edit source id 7228 and set 'selected' to true.

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Compagnie de la Citadelle - Nuit - Jean-Pierre Perreault

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Compagnie de la Citadelle - Nuit - Jean-Pierre Perreault

Video Link

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URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

VirtualLocation name @en

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VirtualLocation name @fr

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Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

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URI List for adr:dansedanse-ca_events-index-fr last updated Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:13:06 -0500
URI List for adr:dansedanse-ca_events-index-en last updated Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:13:06 -0500