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Atelier Compagnie de la Citadelle


AggregateOffer note @en

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AggregateOffer note @fr

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AggregateOffer type

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AggregateOffer URL

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Attendance mode

Do people attend your event in-person or online or mixed with a bit of both?


No tip for this statement: audience


No tip for this statement: availability


No tip for this statement: bundle

Atelier Compagnie de la Citadelle | Danse Danse


No tip for this statement: buy url

Contact email

No tip for this statement: contact email

Contact name @en

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Contact name @fr

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Contact telephone

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Contact website

No tip for this statement: contact website


Please verify calendar dates and times.

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

No dates available

Description @en

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

This workshop will focus on movement research and choreographic sequences. Workshop in English.No experience required.Ages 14 and up.35 participants maximum. Participants will be invited to experiment with floor and standing movements, playing with the possibilities of their bodies, gravity, momentum and balance. They will be able to develop their lexicon of individual movements within larger choreographic structures and sequences. Attention will also be paid to the scenic space and its three-dimensionality.

Description @fr

How is the event described?

Note: alternatives with an asterix (*) in the label will appear here for easy comparison.

Best practice: shorter is better. Listings will often cut off the description after 2 or 3 sentences.

Cet atelier se concentrera sur la recherche de mouvements et de séquences chorégraphiques. Atelier en anglais.Aucune expérience requise.14 ans et plus.Nombre maximum de 35 participant·e·s. Les participant·e·s seront invités à expérimenter des gestuelles au sol et debout en jouant avec les possibilités de leurs corps, la gravité, l'élan et l'équilibre. Chacun pourra développer son lexique de mouvements individuels au sein de structures et de séquences chorégraphiques plus larges. Une attention sera également portée sur l'espace scénique et sa tridimensionnalité.


How long is the event?

Note: Add a DIV with class 'duration' anywhere to your page.

End Date

No tip for this statement: end date

Event status

Is your event scheduled, cancelled, postponed without a date, or rescheduled with a new date?

No data

Event type

Additional types from the Artsdata controlled vocabulary

Facebook link

No tip for this statement: facebook link


No tip for this statement: keywords


Is this where the event is happening? One location or virtual location is required.

Place Place des Arts - Théâtre Maisonneuve (K11-11)
Place Place des Arts (K4-42)

Official Webpage

No tip for this statement: official webpage

Organized by

Who is responsible for selling tickets?

Note: Usually the presenter or promoter.

Org/Person Danse Danse (K10-43)

Performed by

Is this the company and/or person responsible for performing the work?

No data


What main image are you using to promote the performance?


Is this the lowest price for the general public (not members only) including sales taxes and service fees?


Price description @en

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Starting price

Price description @fr

No tip for this statement: price description

Prix plancher

Reviewer note

No tip for this statement: reviewer note

["abort_update", {:error=>"#", :error_type=>NoMethodError, :results_prior=>[["22 mar"][...]

Sponsor: No selected source for this property to display. Edit source id 7228 and set 'selected' to true.

Title @en

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Compagnie de la Citadelle Workshop

Title @fr

What is the name of the performance, evening or event?

Note: sometimes the name of the event is not the same as the work being performed.

Atelier Compagnie de la Citadelle

Video Link

No tip for this statement: video link


URL to the event? One location or virtual location is required.

VirtualLocation name @en

No tip for this statement: virtuallocation name

VirtualLocation name @fr

No tip for this statement: virtuallocation name

Webpage link @en

Is this the right ticket buying page?

Webpage link @fr

Is this the right ticket buying page?

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URI List for adr:dansedanse-ca_events-index-fr last updated Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:13:06 -0500
URI List for adr:dansedanse-ca_events-index-en last updated Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:13:06 -0500